Global Talent Visa
  • Categories:

The Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa has been superseded by the Global Talent visa. This type of visa is intended for bright and ambitious people who want to work in the UK in particular fields.

Attracting the finest and brightest individuals in their chosen industries is the main goal of this visa category.

Both those with “promise” and those acknowledged as recognised talents are eligible to apply. If a candidate wants to apply under the category of ” recognised talent,” they must demonstrate that they are currently acknowledged as leaders in their industry. If a candidate wants to apply as a “promise,” they must show that they have the potential to be identified as a “recognised talent” in the near future.

The Home Office has engaged six endorsing entities, and Applicants must generally seek endorsement from one of these bodies in order to be considered under the Global Talent visa route.

The current endorsing bodies are as follows:

  • The Royal Society
  • British Academy
  • Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Tech Nation
  • Arts Council England
  • UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

There are two steps to the application process: –

  1. A request for an endorsement from an appropriate endorsing body
  2. Within three months of getting an endorsement, the Applicant would need to submit an application to the Home Office for permission to enter or remain in the UK under the Global Talent route

The Home Office will forward your application to the British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society, or UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) if you are seeking endorsement for a position in any of the following academic or research-related fields: science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, or humanities. UKRI will decide whether to endorse you based on the supporting documentation you submit.

The Home Office will be the final decision maker in relation to the application even if an endorsement is approved. To be accepted under the Global Talent route, the applicant must subsequently submit an application to the Home Office. If you work in the humanities, sciences, engineering, or medicine, you can apply for settled status under this type of visa immediately after five years. Individuals covered by this visa category may apply for naturalisation to become British citizens after a year of obtaining settled status.

People are allowed to enter the UK with their immediate family and dependents under this visa programme. They will be able to work and study in the UK without restriction.

In addition, this visa route allows for an exemption from the absence requirement, enabling people to work and travel overseas as long as it is necessary. Visa holders can therefore travel freely for research without being concerned about how their travelling may affect their applications for permanent residence.

If you wish to make an application under this route, please contact us via phone/email/online form or chat with us to discuss your case.