Family rights
  • Categories:

Family and private life human rights applications

Families can become divided by immigration. Understanding the many immigration categories, the types of visas that may be required, and the requirements for your loved ones is crucial.

Certain requirements must be fulfilled in these situations for both the Family and Private life stages. If approved, your application will typically be processed through a ten-year settlement process. We summarise the categories of Family and Private Life Human Rights listed below.

Family life applications :

You may be allowed to stay in the UK under the Immigration Rules in order to protect your rights under Article 8 either as parent of a child or partner/spouse where:

  • You are the parent of a child living in the United Kingdom who is under 18
  • The child has been residing in the UK for a period of 7 years or is a British citizen/settled in the UK
  • It would be unreasonable to expect the child to leave the country
  • You are in a genuine relationship with a UK-based partner
  • You would face insurmountable barriers (significant difficulties) if you were to continue your family life outside the UK

Private Life applications :

You may be granted permission to stay in the UK if you meet certain requirements:

  • You have lived continuously in the UK for 20 years
  • You have lived in the UK for less than 20 years but would face significant challenges integrating into the country of your origin
  • You are under the age of 18 and have lived continuously in the UK for at least 7 years and it would not be reasonable to expect you to leave the UK; or
  • You are over 18 but under 25 and have spent at least half of your life living continuously in the UK

Should certain requirements be met, instead of permission to stay, you can make an indefinite leave to remain application based on your private life.

If you wish to make an application on the basis of your family or private life, please contact us via phone/email/online form or chat with us to discuss your case.