Human Rights
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Asylum and Human Rights Claims

At TMF, we advise and assist individuals, who have fled their country of origin due to fear of persecution on account of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or being a member of a social group.  We are experienced in handling asylum claims and advising vulnerable clients.

We briefly outline the stages of an application for asylum. Should you require assistance with your claim, please speak to us for information on how to move forward with your case and we can advise you on the best course of action.

Screening interview

An interview with immigration officials at the detention facility in Croydon is the first step in the asylum application procedure. Individuals can also claim asylum at the airport or port of entry upon their arrival to the UK.

You will have an opportunity to explain your desire for asylum during this interview. If you possess identity documents, the authorities will hold onto them until the application process is completed, at which point they will be given back to you.

Your screening interview will take place at the detention centre if you are being held at the time of your asylum claim. Several individuals who are detained upon submitting an asylum application are released following the screening interview. Others whose cases fall under the rubric of “detained asylum casework” (DAC) might stay in detention.

Your case will be sent to an immigration decision-making team in the region of the United Kingdom where you are now residing if it is deemed unsuitable for the DAC process. You will receive an Application Registration Card with your photo and details on it before you leave the centre. This is so that you have documentation proving that you are a person seeking refuge.


Substantive asylum interview


Your reasons for travelling to the UK to apply for asylum will be thoroughly considered and discussed during the asylum interview. Your asylum claim will be refused if you are unable to make it to this interview. The interview is your opportunity to give detailed information about your claim. Following the interview, the Home Office will invite you to submit any evidence to support your claim. We can provide you with guidance and help as you gather proof to support your application. Reports from medical professionals, mental health professionals, and evidence of violations of human rights in your home country may be used to support this.



Should your asylum claim be successful, you will be granted 5 years of refugee status. Should your human rights claim be successful, you will be granted 2.5 years permission to stay in the UK. Any refused claims usually attract a right of appeal. Should your appeal fail, then you are able to submit a fresh asylum claim should you have fresh evidence, which was not available to you at the time when your original claim was being considered.

If you wish to make an asylum application please contact us via phone/email/online form or chat with us to discuss your case.